Where do you plan to study?

Date : 26 / 04 / 2024
Student Details
Part A

Pre-course Test

Read each sentence below from 1–20, then indicate your answers by clicking in the circles.

Part A - Grammar

Part B

Pre-course Test

Read each sentence below from 21–36, then indicate your answers by clicking in the circles.

Part B – Vocabulary & Natural English

Part C

Part C

Tomomi is studying at English Language Company in Sydney. She talks about her life in Australia.

Read the following text and enter the missing words in the spaces provided. There is ONE word for each space.

I live with an Australian family about twenty minutes from the centre of Sydney.The family are very nice and have helped enormously with my English. When I first came to Australia 3 months ago, found it difficult to communicate now I find it much easier.
My classes start eight thirty in the morning, but I like to get to school early I can meet some of my classmates and have a chat before class.
There are people from many different in my class, so I have a lot about countries and cultures.
At the weekend I work in a Japanese restaurant. I don’t start work until four, which is good, but I often have to work until about two the morning so I’m usually tired on Sundays and Mondays.
my course finishes I’m hoping to travel around Australia. I to go to Queensland and the Northern Territory.
Part D

Pre-course Test

Part D

Polyana and Melanie are studying at English Language Company together.

Read their conversation and enter the missing words. There is ONE word for each space.

I met Melanie the first day she started at this school. I had been here for four weeks. She came and sat next to me. We started talking and found we had a lot in common.
I really liked Polyana from the beginning. She’s very easy talk to.
Melanie has a good friend. I felt a bit alone before I met her.
In some ways we’re . We’ve got many of the same goals, like wanting to learn English as quickly as possible. But in ways we’re very different. For example, our jobs – I’m a medical assistant, whereas Polyana’s a lawyer.
We’re from very different cultures but it’s interesting to get to know other. We’ve never an argument.
I’ve learnt lots of things Brazil from Polyana that I didn’t know before.
I’ll be sad to see Melanie go. She’s going travelling soon. I’ll miss but we’ll keep touch via email.

Many thanks to Polyana de Carvalho Cleto from Brazil and Melanie Vaugniaux from Swizerland who were students at English Language Company in 2004.

Writing Task

Writing Task

Please enter in the space below, what you would like to do in your future career and why.