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    SEO Content Writing Trends (Part 1)

    SEO Content Writing Trends 1

    SEO Content Writing Trends (Part 1)

    As business head into 2021 still facing challenges from the covid-19, their business budget and money spending are becoming very important in order to make sure it is bringing positive result.

    However, in this pandemic, there are one benefit which is you can refine or revamp your website with the latest SEO content writing to push up your website ranking since business is going online nowadays.

    There are a few parts to optimize your website content following the trends in order to have a more promising results.

    1. Keywords Research Optimization

    Keywords research is the first thing to do for a SEO project. It is very important as a group of good keywords can help your business target the priority things for your business. While fail to perform keyword research will lead to fail at results of search engine ranking.

    • 80% evergreen keywords, 20% trending keywords.

    Evergreen keywords are those content that can add value and solve problems for many years, such as SEO basics and content writing tips for a digital marketing agency.

    Take the time to truly understand the evergreen content needs of your market and audience, and target evergreen keywords for that content.

    Trending keywords are also important for business to understand the latest products for your market, such as how to optimize for voice search for a digital marketing.

    If you create an authoritative content for trending keywords, it may turn into evergreen keywords and you will have a lead in the competition.

    • Think & Act like a buyer.

    Some questions are worth to think, such as what would you search for and what keyword will attract you to the content.

    • Don’t Go Crazy Over Volume.

    When you creating a constant of new content, usually through blog, don’t focus only on high-volume keywords only. High volume will lead you to a lot of users, however you will also face a lot of high competition. Depending to the ROI of the keywords, you can target keywords that have as low as 10 to 20 visitors per month. This kind of content may help you reach your buyers easily.

    • Monitor Keyword Performance Closely

    Track the keywords and see whether there are performing as expected or not. If it is not working, we can analyse the content, keyword positioning and title tag as well. Sometimes a swap of keywords using in title tag can help to improve keywords performance. Otherwise, the content may become useless because of other components in a SEO project. This is why it’s so vital to track progress and continually revamping older content throughout the year.

    • Don’t forget about related keywords as well.

    When I complete keyword research and have a target keyword that I’ll use for a page, I’ll also provide a list of related keywords for when I get to work. Related keywords show more relevance to your topic, which helps send stronger signals about the page’s intentions for both search engines and readers.

    2. Title Tag Optimization.

    Title tag is the strongest thing to explain the purpose of the website to the search engine. When constructing title tag, you need to engage humans and also search engine. This is why targeted keywords need to be included in the headline as front as possible.

    • Short.

    Google typically only shows 60 characters from your headline. So, it is recommended to create title tag in between of 40- 55 characters to have a better result.

    • Numbers.

    Recent statistics say that headlines featuring numbers (exact numbers of points such as 47 Content Writing Tips) get 36% more clicks. Without a doubt use numbers where possible.

    • Brackets.

    The same statistics say the use of brackets in titles increases click-through rates by 38%!